Tag: nikola

  • 8 New Pages of My Story in the Healing Anthology—Out Now!

    8 New Pages of My Story in the Healing Anthology—Out Now!

    It’s heeeeere! The eighth comics anthology from Oneshi Press is all about trauma, redemption, and healing. And it’s got eight new pages from the graphic novel by Lynsey G. and Jayel Draco about ME! These pages are really special. They show my BFF Nikola’s backstory for the first time! And, on top of that, they…

  • We DID It! Thank You for Supporting the Graphic Novel!

    We DID It! Thank You for Supporting the Graphic Novel!

    I can’t belieeeeve it, people! WE DID IT! Your support helped Oneshi Press raise nearly $10,000 on Kickstarter to publish Volume 1 of the epic graphic novel about me! I’m so humbled and excited and amazed. You’re all badasses. THANK YOU! Look, I am totally in awe of all of you. This graphic novel means a…

  • Gruss vom Krampus!

    Gruss vom Krampus!

    Gruss vom Krampus! Aaaahahahaha, you guys, I love messing with Nikola. He acts all big and bad with his drug habit and his street smarts, but he’s a total mush. At holiday time he just wants to get dressed up as an elf and drink eggnog and decorate the Christmas tree. I think it’s great…

  • The First 16 Pages of MY GRAPHIC NOVEL Are Out!

    The First 16 Pages of MY GRAPHIC NOVEL Are Out!

    YOU GUYS OMG OMG OMG! Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology #02 is available now from Oneshi Press! And it’s got pages 9-16 of the graphic novel about me, written by Lynsey G. and illustrated by Jayel Draco! (If you want to catch up on pages 1-8, those are in the first anthology, also available at the Oneshi Press store.)…

  • The Beginning of My Graphic Novel Is OUT!

    The Beginning of My Graphic Novel Is OUT!

    Drop what you’re doing RIGHT NOW and get a copy of the Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology #01, because the beginning of my graphic novel is IN IT! The first eight pages of the epic graphic novel written by Lynsey G and illustrated by Jayel Draco (the co-founders of Oneshi Press) are featured in the first…

  • New Video from Oneshi Press!

    New Video from Oneshi Press!

    So in case you hadn’t heard by now, Oneshi Press is making a graphic novel about me! They’re an independent publishing company, funded mostly by their community of supporters on Patreon. Right now, they’re working on my graphic novel, a comic book, and art book. I’ve seen samples of them all, and the books are…