Tag: comics

  • 2 Days Left = EXTRA GOODIES!

    2 Days Left = EXTRA GOODIES!

    Oh my goooooddddddd I’m so nervous! There are only 2 days left on the Kickstarter to fund Tracy Queen, Volume 1! It’s super close to getting funded, but it’s impossible to know right now! Guuhhhh I can’t take the uncertainty! You know what this campaign needs? It needs more people to know about it! That’s why the Oneshi…

  • One Week to Go! Videos! Podcasts! Articles! Woah!

    One Week to Go! Videos! Podcasts! Articles! Woah!

    There’s exactly one week left to fund Volume 1 of my graphic novel! I’m so nervous, everybody! But lucky for me, there’s a whole bunch of stuff that’s been made, posted, recorded, and written this week. I’m trying to keep myself occupied with videos, podcasts, and articles. And there will be more coming in the next week, so…

  • Draw ME for Inktober & Get Published!

    Draw ME for Inktober & Get Published!

    It’s almost October, and I want to see what you think of me. So I can get you published. Draw ME for #Inktober 2018! October is #Inktober, when artists around the world create daily images and show them off online. It’s totally f*cking awesome, and this year, I want in! So I’m inviting every artist out…

  • My Crush’s First Comic Book Is Here!

    My Crush’s First Comic Book Is Here!

    Okay, you maaay have picked up on the fact that I have a gigantic crush on this vigilante guy, Patience. He’s the one stray man who runs with a pack of stray dogs here in Brooklyn. They take out criminals, cuddle up adorably in alleys at night, and are awesome. And Patience is like…super hot. Anyway, Oneshi…

  • OMG Let’s Get PACK Printed!

    OMG Let’s Get PACK Printed!

    You might remember that I have a majorly huge crush on the lead character from Oneshi Press‘s gritty comic book, PACK. I’ve definitely, um, mentioned it here and there. Listen, the guy is HOT. And he’s got that dangerous appeal going, too. The kind that comes with having thrown off the yoke of society to go…

  • More of my Graphic Novel is HERE in Oneshi Press Anthology #04!

    More of my Graphic Novel is HERE in Oneshi Press Anthology #04!

    Oneshi Press Anthology #04 Is HERE! It’s finally here! Pages 25-32 of the graphic novel about YOURS TRULY are in Oneshi Press Anthology #04! It’s out now in gorgeous limited edition trade paperback format, and you can also get a digital copy from ComiXology! However you read, just get your copy soon so you can watch…

  • The Tracy Queen Holiday Gift Guide, 2017!

    The Tracy Queen Holiday Gift Guide, 2017!

      Look, the holidays can be mondo stressful, especially when your gift list is full of feminists, sci-fi fans, and perverts. Trust me, I know. I have to shop for an electrical engineer who’s a racoon, an army of cyborg-clone warriors, and a bunch of porn stars every year! But hey, check it out! Oneshi Press,…

  • Featured on the Oneshi Press Blog!

    Featured on the Oneshi Press Blog!

    I just adore the folks at Oneshi Press, you guys. They’re publishing a graphic novel about me, in case you haven’t heard. And they wrote a whole blog post about my life, my book, where to download a free sample of the graphic novel, and how you can buy the first 16 pages! I’m reblogging with permission…

  • The First 16 Pages of MY GRAPHIC NOVEL Are Out!

    The First 16 Pages of MY GRAPHIC NOVEL Are Out!

    YOU GUYS OMG OMG OMG! Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology #02 is available now from Oneshi Press! And it’s got pages 9-16 of the graphic novel about me, written by Lynsey G. and illustrated by Jayel Draco! (If you want to catch up on pages 1-8, those are in the first anthology, also available at the Oneshi Press store.)…

  • Reblog: Call for Submissions to the Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology

    Reblog: Call for Submissions to the Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology

    Hey, lovers! So, as I’ve been telling you for a few weeks now, the first 8 pages of the graphic novel Oneshi Press is making about me are finally available! Oneshi is printing 8 pages at a time of the graphic novel in their quarterly comics anthologies, and they’re looking for comics, graphic novels, and other…

  • The Beginning of My Graphic Novel Is OUT!

    The Beginning of My Graphic Novel Is OUT!

    Drop what you’re doing RIGHT NOW and get a copy of the Oneshi Press Quarterly Anthology #01, because the beginning of my graphic novel is IN IT! The first eight pages of the epic graphic novel written by Lynsey G and illustrated by Jayel Draco (the co-founders of Oneshi Press) are featured in the first…

  • Reblog: Submissions for the Oneshi Press Anthology Now Open!

    Reblog: Submissions for the Oneshi Press Anthology Now Open!

    So you may know that Oneshi Press is going to be publishing a graphic novel about me! I’m super psyched about the full book, but since it takes a while to put together a huuuuge book like this one, they’re releasing my story in eight-page segments first, as part of their quarterly anthology! The first anthology,…

  • So much Patience in the PACK Sample!

    So much Patience in the PACK Sample!

    I just downloaded the free PACK comicbook sample Patience has paid off! I mean that in several ways. I’ve been waiting for, like, ever for a chance to read more from the comic book PACK from Oneshi Press. They’ve released a bunch of concept art on the PACK website and on Facebook, but the actual…

  • Sleeze by The Soundweaver

    Sleeze by The Soundweaver

    How Cool is this??? “A trip down a sticky hallway leading to a party room with trippy flashing lights and a shiny pole and places to flop down for a hit off the hookah! inspired by my friend Jayel Draco’s art www.jayeldraco.com and Tracy Queen www.tracyqueen.com written by Lynsey G.” —Jack Schell! My good friend…