Tag: art

  • The Countdown Begins—4 Days Left to Fund Volume 2!

    The Countdown Begins—4 Days Left to Fund Volume 2!

    UPDATE! The amazing people at Kickstarter have granted the campaign a 7-day extension in light of recent events. With your help, I know this project can get funded! It will now conclude on March 27, 2020. There are just four days remaining till the Kickstarter to fund Volume 2 of the graphic novel about ME…

  • Subscribe to Get Everything Tracy Queen!

    Subscribe to Get Everything Tracy Queen!

    It’s time to get serious about loving me, babe. If you’re a fan of my sex-positive badassery…Or my BFF Nikola’s super-smart raccoon style…My cyborg-clone army coolness…Or especially sexual empowerment and embodiment…I mean, if you’re basically anybody I’d ever want to talk to…I’ve got news for you! You can now subscribe to get every new comic,…

  • Draw ME for Inktober & Get Published!

    Draw ME for Inktober & Get Published!

    It’s almost October, and I want to see what you think of me. So I can get you published. Draw ME for #Inktober 2018! October is #Inktober, when artists around the world create daily images and show them off online. It’s totally f*cking awesome, and this year, I want in! So I’m inviting every artist out…

  • An interview about ME!

    An interview about ME!

    Check this out, you guys! Lynsey G and Jayel Draco, the co-creators of this really kickass graphic novel about me, got interviewed by the editor-in-chief of Luna Luna magazine! So basically the interview is all about me. Coooool, right? These two are crazy smart artist types and they’re all impassioned about bringing my story to…

  • I like weird art, okay

    I like weird art, okay

    BudzIzThugLife1997 asked: What’s that thing behind you in the pizza pic? It looks like an alien is it glowing? And I answered: What thing? You mean the pizza boxes? Oh the glowing thing! That is totally just an art piece that I bought recently. I haven’t quite found the right spot for it yet so……

  • Wow, That Was Incredible

    Wow, That Was Incredible

    Incredible! I have found a whole new level of performance art, you guys. I have discovered a new plane of existence. Last night, many of you tuned in to watch my livestream of my first ever seven-man gangbang. Well, it ended up only being six. But thank you to everyone who watched! I’m humbled by…

  • ¡Viva la Pussy!

    ¡Viva la Pussy!

    Pussy! Over the past few weeks, I got to know some incredible women from a totally different part of the world and background than me. Some of them have been through a lot of trials and have suffered a lot. And when I started to learn about their struggles, at first I felt sorry for…