
About Tracy Queen

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Hey, you! Welcome to my website!

I’m Tracy Queen, a self-made adult entertainment icon, a martial arts practitioner, a feminist, a biochemist, and a warlord. You may know me as the woman who went up against Dickie Doublefinger’s p0rn star army back in 2012, or as the mother of a race of cyborg-clones that kicked his ass. Or you might be familiar with the adult videos I make. However you found me, thanks for visiting!

I love providing the world with an example of an independent, empowered woman enjoying and owning her s3xuality. I’m a fucking role model, OK? In my scenes, you will never see anyone treating me in a way that I’m not comfortable with. I’m always in control of my body and the action. I own my business and my bod. I don’t work for anyone but myself!

Get in touch with me if you want to pick my brain! I’m on Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter, too. I guess that’s all you need to know about me! Explore the site! Buy a book! Send me fan mail! Check out the concept art and pinups on the gallery page!

Tracy Queen PSA: Be proud of who you are and wish the same for others
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The Graphic Novel

Oh, PS, there’s a graphic novel coming out about my life! Crazy, right? Lynsey G wrote it, and Jayel Draco is illustrating it, and it’s being released in 36-page volumes by Oneshi Press. The first two volumes are out already. Plus, new pages appear in the Oneshi Press comics anthology each time a new one comes out! Plus there’s a free sample you can download for a taste of all this goodness.

Basically, the book is an epic, NSFW, spectacular, gorgeous, feminist, sci-fi roller coaster! It tells my story, starting way back in 2009 when I was working as an enforcer and heir to my grandfather’s crime syndicate. Then I met my best friend and business partner, Nikola, (yes, he’s a raccoon, get over it), and started webcamming, which led to me becoming a webcamming phenomenon! Eventually I got into trouble with the big cheese of mainstream smut, Dickie Doublefinger…and went to battle against his army with my own cyborg-clones in 2012.

Obviously, Tracy Queen the book is fuh-reaking uh-maze-ing! There are two volumes out so far, and six more on the way. You can download a free sample or buy volumes 1, 2, and 3 right here.

For more of the juicy, gory, delicious, and nutritious details, peruse the following links! There’s a full synopsis of the book! Bios of the sprawling epic’s main characters! Info on the real-life adult industry stars who will be making cameo appearances! Information on the book’s creators, and their artists’ statements! And eight pages of the story in each of the Oneshi Press Comics Anthologies!

You can help support Oneshi Press as they work on the graphic novel by buying their books, or by subscribing to their Patreon campaign! And don’t forget to check out Jayel Draco’s awesome live-streams as he makes art for the book!

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Tracy Queen comic book sample page.

What people are saying:

“The secks-positive killer camgirl redefining the comic superhero.”
— She Does the City

“Incredibly inventive, captivating, and immersive…Morally and culturally validating in an intellectually progressive fashion.”
— I Am Tosk, reader

“The perfect modern-day superhero for powerful women who hate bad guys and just want to be satisfied.”
— Tish M., reader

“Tracy’s story keeps me on the edge of my seat wondering where it will go next. I love the character development and story.”
— Jana, reader

“An exciting and unexpected story, with some very unlikely protagonists! The art is fantastic and emotive.”
— Pink, creator of Root & Branch

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Tracy Queen’s Theme “Sleeze” by Jack Schell
take the character quiz to find out which character from Tracy Queen best matches your personality - CLICK HERE
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K. F. Kat Fish pilots the Oneshi Dream Fuel Email paper airplane.

Get the first 2 chapters of Tracy Queen: Volume 1, absolutely FREE! Then continue to get more free comics regularly as you stay up-to-date with our Dream Fuel!

Tracy Queen: Strange Changes, Comic book cover
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